Photo by Margaret Chant and edited by Jessica Metropulos

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Okay, perhaps some of the more exciting news in recent times, I'd like to throw a big shout-out and congratulations to Ms Farrah Green, who totally passed her Level 4 yesterday!! She has been waiting for the result on her liberty, and jokingly been telling people for a week now that she has 4.5 feet of her black string. she's got all six! She passed her liberty L4++, which is AWESOME.

Congratulations, girl!

I'm off to go teach now.


PS--I'm through filming my L3 stuff, as well, I'll have those up soon!


Erin:: said...

Awesome! And.. LOVE the new picture at the top! -Erin :-)

Hannah Willis said...

That is way cool!!