Photo by Margaret Chant and edited by Jessica Metropulos

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Busy Week

Sorry guys, behind, behind, behind. I'm exausted, and really don't have much energy to recap the week's events in great detail, so here's a small, jotty list, comment if you have questions.

*Cricket's abscess popped out on Tuesday, no longer a lame girl
*Virge arrived on Wednesday
*Farrah got sick, and couldn't go to tour on Thursday
*Thought I was going to take her spot on Savvy Team, but couldn't
*Left for tour on Friday
*Hung out with Savvy sisters/had a good chat with Linda, Nita Jo, and Jesse Peters on Friday
*Saturday of tour--Cranky and sleepless, took care of Maylynn, Nita Jo's mare, saw lotsa people, had a couple hysterical conversations with Linda
*Went riding with Lori Wegner on Saturday night...very fun.
*Sunday morning took care of Nita Jo's mare
*Great tour day, got used as a model, and will now NEVER let Pat stand behind me again with the intent to demonstrate how to get a horse to round it's back
*Drove home
*Filmed a new video on Monday
*Gave Scoot his first ride, which had some FUNNY moments...he's a little mother bucker...and yes, you did read that correctly.
*Ordered my Cradle Bridle on Monday afternoon
*Edited video today
*Got an AMAZING message from some one on the forum...Made me cry to think that I could inspire someone like I did her.

Watch my new video here:

If you have questions or want details on anything on that list, post a comment. I'm REALLY tired, and will try to get back on track tomorrow. Thanks loves!

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Brilliant video, Fran. Very inspiring. :)