Photo by Margaret Chant and edited by Jessica Metropulos

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cradle Photos--and SPOTS!!

So Micky had some technical difficulties with my camera, but some of these pix turned out pretty well of Prin and me in the cradle.

Also thrown in are a couple cute ones of Phoebe (my student who looks a bit like a mini-me) on Prin, and me on Cricket (who looks a bit like a mini-Prin) We called it our "Blondes on Spots" photoshoot-lol.

Blondes...on spots

Okay, Cricket, you lead a small, sad life, standing next to Prin...she's just so gigantic!

Trying to figure out the light settings on my way-too-complex camera...look at my horse's pretty ears!

Pretty Cradle
Okay, make that muley ears...I never thought she had particularly big ears, but I'm re-evaluating that. Also, pretty Cradle bridle!

Tankalicious! My LORD she's round!

Lighter hands, and also, I need to fix my leg, that just bothers me.

Working on our bends on a smaller circle...good practice for engagment...

One of the first (and best!) truly collected canters I've had...this was a DREAM to ride!

I look pensive, Prin looks her :)


The Alway Family said...

Yay! So glad you got your CB. I love the chestnut on Sundae too.


Virginia said...

awesome it came! I'll call you later to get the scoop! in that one picture she looks like such a tank! lol

Anonymous said...

Wow...Prin looks snazzy in the cradle bridle! I can't imagine how light she must be. Can't wait till I get to the level to try it on May, should call for an interesting story or two to tell :)

Also, get on AIM, I wanna know if you made the savvy team in Kansas City, haha.
